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Reset                    Opens a File for Input

 Reset(var F : <file type>);
 Reset(var UFile : file; RecSize : Integer);                             [TP]

    Opens the given file for input, setting the file pointer at the first
    record in the file. The file variable must have been previously
    assigned to a file or logical device (using Assign). When used with
    untyped files, this procedure can take an optional parameter which
    specifies the record size in bytes (the default is 128 bytes).

               F    Any file type (text, data, untyped).

           UFile    An untyped file.

         RecSize    Size of the record in bytes.

           Note:    The file associated with the file variable F or UFile
                    must already exist, or else an I/O error 1 ($1)

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           Assign(TFile,'MYFILE.TXT');      { assign text file }
           Reset(TFile);                    { and open for input }

           Assign(UFile,'RAWSTUFF.BIN');    { assign untyped file }
           Reset(UFile,512);                { set record size to 512 bytes }

See Also: Assign Rewrite Close Read
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